The following are some frequently asked questions and answers about Oil-Tek Mobile, LLC. If you have any additional questions, please contact me.
Do I have to be present when the service is performed?
No, you do not have to be present. Oil-Tek Mobile, LLC will service your equipment on-site and then secure the equipment per customer request.
What type of payment does Oil-Tek Mobile, LLC accept?
Oil-Tek Mobile, LLC accepts personal checks or cash for services.
Does Oil-Tek Mobile, LLC provide discounts if I have my own parts?
Yes, no charge for the parts if the customer supplies them.
What brand of oil does Oil-Tek Mobile, LLC use?
Various multi-weight engine oils meeting engine specifications.
Can I specify a preferred brand of oil?
Yes, You may request a preferred brand of oil. An additional charge may be applied, depending on brand.
What brand of filters does Oil-Tek Mobile, LLC use?
Oil-Tek Mobile, LLC uses the indusry's best high quality STENS premium filter for service. OEM filters may be requested for additional charge.
How soon can Oil-Tek Mobile, LLC perform services on my equipment?
Appointments must be made in advance for service or minor repairs.
Do I have to dispose of waste oil or other hazardous products resulting from the service?
No, Oil-Tek Mobile, LLC disposes of all waste oil, filters, and other hazardous products for you, in accordance with all local, state, and federal regulations.
Does Oil-Tek Mobile, LLC take precautions against oil spillage under the vehicle or on my property?
Yes, Oil-Tek Mobile, LLC takes every precaution to ensure your driveway and property are left the same way they were found.
Oil-Tek Mobile, LLC. Sterling, Massachusetts 2009 Oil-Tek Mobile LLC All Rights Reserved.